Advertencias, Rush Springs High School

Calidad del aire

17/5 8:06 p. m. 20:06 – 18/5 8:15 p. m. 20:15

Air Quality Alert issued May 17 at 3:06PM CDT by NWS Norman OK The following statement was issued by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality from 10 AM to 10 PM CDT Saturday. An Air Quality Alert for Ozone has been issued for Saturday for the Oklahoma City Metropolitan area due to expected high concentrations of ozone. Persons with existing heart or respiratory ailments should reduce physical exertion and outdoor activity. The general public is encouraged to help alleviate the problem by reducing vehicle miles traveled by riding the bus...carpooling...or avoiding unnecessary trips. The public is also asked to avoid refueling during the morning and early afternoon hours...and to avoid the use of two cycle engines such as lawn mowers... motorcycles...weed trimmers...and outboard engines. It is also advised to limit outdoor burning. For hourly updates on concentrations and possible health warnings, telephone the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality at 405-702-4100. For more information on health effects, call the American Lung Association of Oklahoma at 405-748-4674

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