31/10 2:07 p. m. 14:07 – 1/11 0:00 a. m. 0:00
Special Weather Statement issued October 31 at 10:07AM EDT by NWS Cleveland OH Winds will increase this morning with wind gusts of 35 to 45 mph through this morning and much of the afternoon. A few tree limbs may be jarred loose and light weight objects may blow around. Be sure to secure light weight objects if setting them out. Use caution if driving a high profile vehicle.
National Weather ServicePróximas 24 horas
El tiempo en el mundo hoy
+18° 64°
+12° 54°
+21° 70°
+10° 50°
+13° 55°
+12° 54°
+11° 52°
+8° 46°
+8° 46°
+26° 79°
Temp. máxima y mínima
Guasdualito, Venezuela
+37.7° 100°
Tambopata, Peru
+34° 93°
Roebourne, Australien
+28.3° 83°
Buin, Papua Nya Guinea
+27.4° 81°
Caburan, Filippinerna
+22.5° 73°
Hólmavík, Island
-5.6° 22°
Murghob, Tadzjikistan
-10.6° 13°
Tuktoyaktuk, Kanada
-14.8° 5°
Bayanhongor, Mongoliet
-15.9° 3°
Anaktuvuk Pass, USA
-22.8° -9°